Blog Tour~ Fate Interrupted by K.B. Winters


Fate Interupted book 1


Overbearing and scary as all check....

Okay so let's talk about my title to this review. No it isn't about Remy who by the way is in way over his head. No Remy is smart and hot and omg did I say he was hot?
Livie is smart and beautiful and not gonna take any carp from any one. Are they made for each other, the playbook and the hard a---? You bet they are! So who is scary??? Madge his mother.
Onto the next book!

Fate Interupted Book 2

Deceit and mystery

Remy had better his act together! In this installment of fate interrupted we have lies and manipulation galore and a new player, Christopher.
Livvie has heart set on making he business succeed and to keep away from Remy.
Remy has his heart on breaking ties with his mother, Madge and winning over Livvie's trust. But there are twists you didn't expect and now the story becomes more interesting than the first book.
Will Remy and Livivie survive all the lies and back alley deals?
On to book 3!

Fate Interupted Book 3

Finding that the one he has to fight is not just his enemy but the enemy in league with his mother was devastating but the nail that sealed that fate forever. he knew that the only person that mattered was Levvie and he would do anything to protect her. But in his mind he had saw so much more in his future with her, now he just need to know if she was in the same place that he was.
This book gives you everything you have waiting for in this series. So sit back and relax and watch Remy win the love of his life over, and over and oooh sooo hot did I say over!!!

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shirtless wet muscular man in jeans and woman hands, studio shot

Attractive couple kissing each others outdoors

button About the author
KB Winters is the author of the brand new Billionaire Romance Series, Plush. She has an addiction to caffeine and hard-bodied alpha males. The men in her books are very sexy, protective and sometimes bossy, her ladies are...well...bossier!
Living in sunny Southern California, this hopeless romantic writes every chance she gets!

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