Blog Tour~ Her Doms Lesson by AD Jusitce

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Title: Her Dom’s Lesson
Author: A.D. Justice
Release Date: October 6, 2014
Genre: Erotic Thriller


Sophia Vasco Will he ever forgive me? This question haunts me every day and night. He branded me with his touch to the point that no other man will ever compare. Dominic consumed my life. Until the day he learned the truth about me and everything changed. Nothing is as it seems and it has all spiraled out of control. The weight of the world now rests on my shoulders. I have to fix this. Dominic Powers Some say that Karma is a bitch. I can say from experience that a betrayed Dom is much worse than a bastard ever thought about being. They think they played me. I denied the man inside me his rightful place and was mistaken for a fool. When I'm done with them, they will feel the lash of her Dom's lesson. This isn't over.


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The Perfect sequel!
The story of Dom and Sophia is simply perfect! This book picks up right where book one leaves of so that there is no time lapse between the two books which makes it even better to read. There are many surprising twists and WFT moment that will have your head spinning. But the best is how Dom and Sophia mend their broken relationship, broken hearts and broken trust in one another. Overcoming the threat that hunts both Dom and Sophia tests his limit son having to control everything, learning that in some situation he had to let go just a little of that control specially when it come to protecting Sophia. The tenderness he shares with her along with his need for dominating her in passionate punishment is even more intense in this book that it was in book one making it a definite page turner that will have you sweating as you read page after page. I loved every moment of revelation Dom has as their relationship grows so does his love and devotion. They will forever be in my heart... Simply Beautiful!

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About the Author

A.D. Justice

A.D. Justice has been married for 25 years and has two wonderful sons in college. She is also an avid reader of romance novels and, to her amazement, a self-published author. A.D. enjoys reading many different types of romance books - including drama and suspense, crime and mystery, NA and YA, and contemporary and erotica.

20 Fun Facts
1.  I haven’t met some of the best friends I have in person yet – but I plan on remedying that soon!
2.  I love animals – we have two spoiled dogs, a cat, and two horses.
3.  I’ve been married 25 years this year.
4.  I have two sons – 21 and 19 – both in college.
5.  I am a certified open water scuba diver.
6.  I think I have an addiction to swag – I keep looking at and buying more of it!
7.  I eat the chocolate off of Reese’s before I eat the peanut butter.
8.  If I developed an allergy to peanuts, I would have to live on epi pens because I can’t give up peanut butter.
9.  I don’t like having a schedule.  Deadlines and scheduled meetings are my arch nemesis.
10.  I am a huge Star Wars, Star Trek and superheroes movies fan.
11.  I don’t care much about what others think….except when it comes to my work.
12.  I haven’t developed thick enough skin yet.
13.  Writing isn’t my full time job, even though I would love for it to be one day.
14.  I don’t want to be put in a genre box.  I want to write in several different categories.
15.  I’m pretty out spoken.  Unfairness or bullying really pisses me off.  Picking on my friends will evoke my wrath upon your head.  It’s not pretty.
16.  Most of the people who know me in real life don’t know I’m writing books.
17.  I will be at several book signings this year and I love to talk to people – so stop by my table even if it’s only for the freebies!
18.  I have an MBA in Health Care Administration and a BS in Organizational Development.
19.  I am 4 classes shy of having a second Master’s of Science degree but I can’t bring myself to go back to school.
20.  I took my horse, Rio, away from my husband because he’s dead broke and the mare he bought me is green broke.  I’m not riding a green broke mare.  Sorry.


Signed Paperback of Her Dom's Lesson (US ONLY) or $10 Amazon Gift Card if located internationally, Swag Pack (US ONLY), Ebook of Choice from AD Justice



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