IMMORAL by Nicole Dykes Get Ready For Grady and Ryan to MELT your Hearts!


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About Immoral


A preacher’s son. I’ve done everything I can to defy his rules. Reckless, destructive, immoral. But after all this, there’s only one thing I haven’t allowed myself to indulge in . . . Him.


A welder's son. I’ve done everything I can to make him proud. Hard-working, loyal, strong. I’ve accomplished all his dreams while denying my own. But there was only one thing I’ve ever wanted . . . Him.

I love reading a friends to lovers romance and this is exactly what this is… Well with a twist. Best of friends living with the fear of their feelings for one another that pushes them apart for 7 years. Their reunion is rocky, but the feelings are stronger as they now understand the ramifications of what is would mean for one another. Both public figures they now that their relations ship will create waves from fans and even families.
Nicole’s M/M romance gives us the exact anxiety filled fear that you can imagine for a man coming out to not only their families but to the public. I felt their fear and pride. I felt anger for them as well. She truly brought us into their world to feel every scary emotion that is involved. I felt the unfairness of their situation and loved them more for it. I am a fan Grady and Ryan and want more of them.

Meet Nicole Dykes Nicole Dykes is a wife and a professional assistant/mom to two gorgeous girls. Currently residing in Kansas, she's a lover of coffee, Kansas City Chiefs, and all things romance. She currently has over 20 published books with her Monroe and Adamson series being the most popular. She enjoys cranking up the angst level, making her readers cry, and turning those tears into the coffee that fuels her writing. 

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