Blog Tour~ Marked by Charisse Spiers


Marked (Shadows in the Dark #1)
by Charisse Spiers

Welcome to my fucking world. My name is Kaston Cox and I’m a
criminal’s worst nightmare. Most people run from darkness, but I live
in it, require it, and thrive in the night. Some call me a monster, some
a lover of evil, and others, the devil himself, but they’re all wrong. I’m
just a shadow in the dark. I speak for the innocent when no one else
will. Once I have marked you, you better beg for forgiveness, because
your time has run out…

Revenge is the ultimate wage for evil. Some just can’t stomach to do it
themselves. That’s where I come in. I am the ultimate judge when
called upon for justice. I will decide who lives and who dies. Blood
may be on my hands, but it’s not the blood of the innocent. Remorse
is nowhere to be found. I don’t give a shit if you understand. I can live
with the man I look at every day in the mirror. My soul was tainted
the day I was conceived. You think you know me? You have no
fucking idea. I am who I am because of what they did to her, and to
him. They were my family. This was the only form of restitution he
believed in. I owed him everything. I took over the empire he built.
This is how I repay him. There was only one rule: never allow
emotions to form. Numb and heartless are the only two ways to live.

What I never included in the plan…was her.

My name is Lux Larsen. My life is as perfect as it can get. I’m a
partier, a seductress when it comes to something that I want, and the
ultimate sexual con artist. I use my body to get what I want and I’m
not ashamed. Designer tags are what I’m after. I love sex. I’m good at
it. Fuck double standards. Guys can do it, well guess what, so can I. I
will never be caught back on the other side of the tracks for as long as
I live. I left that hellhole years ago. I’ll do anything to stay away. You
can call me a whore if you want, but I just look at it as I’ve decided to
become a player in a man’s game, and I’m a fucking pro at it. Love is
for the weak minded. Weak is something I’ll never be.

I never anticipated the predator that would find me. I’m now his
prey…but I’m not sure I can run.

The world likes to think that love is only pure, only for those that do
good, but what no one considers is when bad has to be done to
formulate a different type of good. Two of the most random people
can be a perfect match, being placed together like pieces to a puzzle.
Being in the wrong place at the right time can be terrifying and it can
also be exactly what is supposed to happen, because sometimes…love
is born in the dark.

(Shadows in the dark, #1)

Righting the evils of the world and having lived through them can leave a mark on you, you soul and your heart. Kaston was dealt with a tough entry into this world but his father rescued him from it and vowed to make it right. After having lost his daughter Kaston's father dedicated hi life to making it better for him and for the world in general, ridding it of the evil that exists. THis is a life that can and will isolate you. This is Kaston's world, that is until the female equal to him steps into his path. Now their isn't anything he would do or sacrifice to have her at his side forever.
Lux has lived a life with horrible things that have defined her. She is numb to love having never felt it before for the one person that was supposed to show her what love is or was. The one thing she does value and will never falter is honesty and honoring those you pledge you life and heart to. Betrayed she ventures out with her bestie and meets her other half.
OMG this book made the tears pour out in buckets! Starting from the lost and hurt little boy to the man tat has grown to be fierce and protective of the ones he loves. Then throw in the love of his life and how that relationship grows and you have the perfect cocktail of passion, love, heat and mystery. Kaston and Lux are perfection in their imperfections but between the two of them the soul that they share is just what you would expect from epic loves and that is exactly what Charisse give us an epic love romance that is filled with all the ugly in the world but still has the hero and the princess waiting to be saved. In other words we have the fairy tale ending that we all crave in a story that will have you insides screaming at all the horrible in the world. You will love every minute of Lux and Kaston love affair!

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